How Do You count Your Miracles

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Do you ever stop as well as believe about a time when you were expecting in the hot as well as sticky month of August when it is 90 degrees in the shade as well as state to yourself, “I just want to get this infant out since I am uneasy in this heat?” lots of times we have all stated this I am sure.  Harmless remark right? Well, it depends upon who is listening to that.  You see, there is a population of about 15 million infants born annually prematurely for many causes.  all of those mommies desire they might state in the warm of August, I desire I was expecting up until full term, in spite of exactly how uneasy that is.

My kid was born at 27 weeks (13 weeks early). He weighed 1lb 10oz as well as was provided a 5% possibility of survival at birth.  When I was expecting with him my blood pressure went as much as 220/110, identified silent stroke level since there were no symptoms.  My blood as well as urine tests, in addition to the physical appearance of my legs, hands, as well as body all, provided the appearance of a best pregnancy progressing.  One unsuspecting day, I had an ultrasound as well as was told by the sonographer that I had very high blood pressure as well as needed instant hospitalization.  This went on for a number of weeks 3 admissions in as well as out of the high-risk system at the hospital.  My physician might no longer take care of me as well as he transferred me to a high-risk perinatologist who specialized in high-risk pregnancies.

When I went to see the high-risk doctor, he said, “you have a reverse flow as well as requirement to be hospitalized for the remainder of the pregnancy.”  He hospitalized me on the spot.  He said, “I am in concern for both of your lives.” I asked the physician if I was to stay for 13 weeks as well as he suggested that he was providing me 2 weeks before the infant would be born.  He reassured me that he would do whatever possible to keep the infant inside as long as he as well as I were safe.  There was a reverse flow in my placenta that was not supplying nutrients to the baby.  When my blood pressure was controlled, it prevented the blood to flow freely to the baby, when it was high he was getting all that he needed.  rather a issue to deal with for a doctor.  The physician suggested that we were both in risk if he saved me the infant might die, if he saved the baby, I might die.

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One unsuspecting morning it happened, the infant had a decrease in his heart rate as well as was crashing fast, his heart rate went into the 60’s all alarms at the nurse’s station went off as well as this time around they might not get his heart rate up.  An emergency C-section had to be done to save him. He was provided a 5% possibility of survival.  He overcame a few important moments over the next few weeks, only to discover out that a person kidney was failing.  It had shriveled up as well as was not functioning, however the physician stated the other one was taking over, so he must be okay.  nevertheless one more setback came, he had three tumors on the only kidney he had left.  They were inoperable as well as without a kidney, he might not live.  He was as well young for dialysis as well as as well vulnerable for a transplant.  They enjoyed the tumors as well as they were just there, his kidney functioned as well as the tumors were not growing.

Five months later he was sent house on several medications, tube feedings, breathing treatments, therapy as well as many doctor’s appointments.  A week after discharge, we saw the kidney doctor.  before he went home, an ultrasound as well as scan exposed the tumors were still there.  The physician bought a new ultrasound to be done.  This was done 7 days after he came home. We got a phone call promptly after showing up from the ultrasound that we needed to go back the next day as well as have the test repeated as well as come to his office after that.  We prayed as we believed that he was not doing well.  When we saw the doctor, he showed us all three scans, the one in the healthcare facility from birth with discharge showed the tumors; the two taken after he went house did not have a indication of the tumors.  The physician was baffled, he said, “this is impossible, exactly how can this be?”  My other half as well as I looked at each otheras well as smiled as my other half said,  “it is a miracle from God, he has been healed.” We explained to the physician that we had difficulty getting expecting for a number of years as well as God provided us this child, so we had belief that if He provided him to us, He would not take him away.  When this issue arose with his kidney we started a prayer chain as well as everybody prayed for him. The physician was amazed. So the next time that you hear about somebody wanting to provide early since they are worn out of being pregnant, keep in mind this story as well as those many other stories that bring 15 million births annually born early.

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So today this is exactly how I count my miracles, my kid is 7 years old, full of energy as well as healthy.  I counted my miracles by starting a nonprofit organization called The gift of Life to assist support parents of premature babies.  enjoy the video to discover more.

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