How to have a delighted healthy Mouth

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When it pertains to our health we don’t usually think about the large opening in between our chin and nose. We brush our teeth (hopefully twice a day, food and our favorite beverages enter it every day and we need it in buy to communicate with others.

Cold sores, canker sores and dry mouth are common problems that people suffer with but are not always recognized or treated. Quantum Health, the makers of natural products that help heal these conditions want to share with healthy mommies readers the signs, symptoms of these problems and what you can do to have a healthy, delighted mouth.

(Source”Cold Sores – everything You need to KnowCompiled by David Shaw for “It’s Your Health”

What are cold sores?Cold sores are small blisters that form around the mouth that are clear and filled with fluid. cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus which lives inside nerve tissue. It is estimated that 80% of the population carry the virus and 60 million people have outbreaks once or a lot more per year. cold sores are also known as fever blisters or Herpes Simplex or HSV1 This is not the same as genital herpes.

What happens the first time you get a cold sore?Generally, people first get it when they are infants or children. Interestingly enough, only about 20% of those carrying the virus ever get symptoms – that is, break out in actual cold sores. The sores can appear within days or weeks or even years following that first exposure to the virus. The first time symptoms appear they are normally a lot more intense that subsequent outbreaks. For example some people experience a lot more pain at the blister site or even flu-like symptoms including swollen glands, fever or sore throat.

Canker sore VS cold soreCold sores normally appear around the mouth while canker sores appear in the mouth. cold sores are caused by a virus while canker sores are caused by bacteria. If a cold sore is in the mouth, it’s normally on the roofing of the mouth.

What makes cold sores appear?Cold sores can be triggered by sunlight, fever, illness, stress, arginine rich foods such as chocolate, food allergies or hormonal changes.

Are cold sores contagious?Yes. Don’t kiss any individual when you have an outbreak. avoid sharing eating utensils, toothbrushes, razors and towels.

What are the stages of a cold sore?Cold sores, untreated, can last up 14 days. beginning treatment at the first sign of tingling can minimize the time to as little as 2-4 days. beginning treatment after the blister appears can also substantially minimize the time and degree of pain.

Day 1: Prodrome (tingle) stage – before a blister appears, one normally feels a tingling, itching or burning sensation underneath the skin, normally around the mouth or the base of the nose. This is the best time to start treatment.(1)

Days 2 to 3: The blister(s) appear.

Day 4: Ulcer or weeping stage – This is when the blister opens up revealing a reddish area. One is a lot of contagious and in the most pain.(2)

Days 5 to 8: Crusting stage – The blisters dry up and a crust forms which is yellow or brown in color. Do not pick at this crust.(3)

Days 9 to 14: Healing stage – A series scabs will form over the sore, each smaller than the previous one until the cold sore is completely healed.

(1,2,3) – In the SCU study, 40% of those using Quantum’s product avoided an outbreak. In addition, a lot of participants skipped the blister, ulcer and crusting stages.

A method For Canker Sore Prevention – causes and Triggers

According to Dr. Ethan Schuman, a St. Louis dentist whose specializes in advanced dental technologies, “There is no one thing that causes a canker sore. but there are events or chemicals that are likely to cause them and if the individual can associate the outbreak with the trigger, then he/she may possibly avoid getting the sores.”

Dr. Schuman suggests that enjoying for crucial triggers such as toothpaste type, mouth injuries, and nutritional deficiencies can make the difference.

Here’s what to look for.

Toothpastes and mouthwashes that consist of SLS:Toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate (“SLS”), a foaming agent in toothpastes and mouthwashes, may increase the recurrence rate of canker sores. SLS dries oral tissues, making them prone to irritants.

Several studies show that participants who brush with SLS-free toothpaste minimize the frequency of canker sore recurrence, in one study by as much as 81%. In this same study some of the participants reported that using SLS-free toothpaste also minimized canker sore severity. There are SLS complimentary products available.

Injury:Injury, often from a self-inflicted bite or irritation caused by braces can cause canker sores. 38% of the participants of one study felt that their canker sores were precipitated by trauma.

Stress:Many people report that the ulcers coincide with periods of stress.

Nutritional deficiencies:Some of the nutritional deficiencies correlated with the presence of canker sores are B vitamins, zinc, folic acid and selenium.

Allergies:Since canker sores are caused by our bodies’ immune response, it makes sense that they can be triggered by food allergies. any substance that contacts the oral tissues may cause an overzealous immune response.

Certain Drugs:Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), beta blockers, and chemotherapy may increase the frequency of canker sores

Genetics:One study found that 35% of those persons who get canker sores have at least one parent who suffers from them.

Canker Sore PreventionIf a canker sore appears shortly after a ‘trigger’ event, then there may be a relationship. Recurrent canker sores may be the result of nutritional deficiencies. A individual who has regular problems with canker sores must have blood tests to figure out possible vitamin deficiencies, and to figure out potential problems with allergies. It may be helpful to keep a “food diary” to figure out potential allergies or food irritants.

Other canker sore prevention tactics include:-Avoid SLS toothpastes and mouthwashes.-Include yogurt and other cultured, soured dairy products in your diet.-Avoid tobacco, chewing gum, and lozenges.-Avoid citrus fruits.-Eat salads and raw onions.-Do not take iron supplements unless prescribed by a doctor.

Canker Sore TreatmentsTreatments are inexpensive and plentiful but few actually speed healing. a lot of numb the pain and a few also consist of anti-bacterial agents mostly used to stop secondary infections, which are rare.

Dr. Schuman has been using a treatment based on an exciting new technology. The product is Canker Cover, a small tablet-like patch that adheres to the sore forming a clear gel-like cover that protects it from irritants while speeding healing.

“Canker Cover has very significant supporting scientific evidence for its efficacy”, said Dr. Schuman. “In basic language, the 248 person primary study demonstrates that in a lot of cases, a single patch healed the sore, and that every user experienced immediate pain relief and total protection from food and drink irritants for 8 hours or more.”

Dry Mouth Symptoms and Causes

What Is dry Mouth?

Commonly called ‘cotton mouth’ or the ‘pasties’. dry mouth occurs when there is a lack of saliva in the mouth or throat area. What causes dry mouth can be much a lot more tough to ascertain. If you suffer from dry mouth or chronic dry mouth, then you understand that the symptoms, although considered ‘minor’, are anything but. lots of dry mouth symptoms can be debilitating in lots of ways and can cause constant discomfort, distracting sufferers from the everyday activities others take for granted. This post describes the lots of symptoms and causes of dry mouth; for treatment options, please see our post on dry mouth treatments.

Human saliva, which is produced by the salivary glands, consists of 98% water, but also consists of enzymes, electrolytes, mucus, and anti-bacterial compounds. Saliva serves to lubricate and secure the tongue, teeth, and tender tissues of the mouth. It also begins the digestive process, and breaks down food caught in the teeth, protecting the teeth from cavities. Insufficient saliva production can cause bad breath, boosted cavities, difficulty in speaking and eating, and discomfort.What causes dry Mouth?

There are lots of causes of dry mouth including aging, health conditions, OTC or prescription drugs, surgery, or lifestyle, Some causes are easily correctible with lifestyle changes. other causes of dry mouth are rooted in medications or illnesses and are a lot more tough to treat. finding the cause of dry mouth can, in some cases, be quite tricky. Taking the time find the cause can be of significant value when treating dry mouth symptoms. here is a list of known causes.Lifestyle:

Smoking can decrease saliva production and must be considered when figuring out what causes your dry mouth. Chewing tobacco can also have the same effect. Therefore, decreasing or quitting smoking can minimize or eradicate dry mouth for some sufferers. Alcoholic beverages and products consisting of caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc.) can also cause dry mouth through dehydration. Breathing through the mouth for prolonged periods (especially while sleeping) can exacerbate a problem with dry mouth.Medication Side Effects:

More than one thousand prescription and OTC drugs cause dry mouth. In one study, individuals taking 3 or a lot more prescription drugs had a 60% chance of suffering from dry mouth. Antihistamines, pain relievers, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, chemotherapy, muscle relaxants, hypertension, obesity, acne, mental disorders, asthma, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and diuretic medication can all cause dry mouth. seek advice from your physician if you think your prescription may be causing a drop in salivary production resulting in dry mouth.Diseases, Infections and medical Conditions:

Dry mouth can also be attributed to certain diseases or infections or medical conditions including HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Anemia, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, cystic fibrosis, the mumps or a stroke.Medical treatment Side Effects:

Some medical treatments can cause dry mouth as a side effect. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy in the head region can cause damage to the salivary glands, which can cause chronic dry mouth.Trauma or Surgery:

In some cases, trauma or injury to the mouth or throat can cause irreversible damage to the salivary glands. In some cases, nerve damage to the neck and head can also cause the salivary glands to produce less saliva. Some surgical procedures run the risk of damaging the salivary glands, thus minimizing the production of saliva. all of the above must be considered when attempting to figure out what causes dry mouth.Symptoms of dry Mouth

If dry mouth is not appropriately treated, it can cause a lot more severe dry mouth symptoms such as gum disease and cavities. This is because the saliva that usually protects the gums and teeth is substantially minimized or is no longer present. lack of saliva can leave the mucosa (mucus membrane) of the mouth prone to infections or decrease protection against other infections of the mouth such as thrush (yeast infection).

There are lots of symptoms of dry mouth, some of which cause great discomfort or even pain to the sufferer.Below is a list of common dry mouth symptoms:

* Thirst* Saliva that seems thick, stringy* A dry, sticky feeling in the mouth* Halitosis (bad breath)* A dry hoarseness of the throat* A dry, irritable and scratchy tongue* A burning or tingling sensation of your tongue* difficulty speaking* Inability to chew, swallow or taste food* dry nasal passages* painful sores of the mouth and tongue* Chapped lips* boosted plaque, tooth decay and gum disease

If dry mouth is not appropriately treated, it can cause a lot more severe dry mouth symptoms such as gum disease and cavities. This is because the saliva that usually protects the gums and teeth is substantially minimized or is no longer present. lack of saliva can leave the mucosa (mucus membrane) of the mouth prone to infections or decrease protection against other infections of the mouth such as thrush (yeast infection).” visit for a lot more articles on oral care.

Lip clear Lysine+ is all–natural, has a non-chemical flavor, goes on clear, can be worn under lipstick and doesn’t burn on application. It supplies immediate soothing relief of burning and itching. Lip clear Lysine retails for $6.99 for a 7-gram tube and is available at drug stores, supermarkets and health food stores nationwide, and online at The makers of Lip clear Lysine+ are also using a limited edition of $2 vouchers for healthy mommies readers. Click here to get yours!

Canker Cover is the only over-the-counter canker sore treatment shown in scientific studies to substantially speed treatment. The pill shaped patch adheres to the sore and forms a gel patch that protects the sore, relieves the pain, and speeds treatment. In two separate scientific studies, Canker Cover was shown to heal a lot of canker sores within 24 hours and to be a lot more effective than benzocaine, the active ingredient in a lot of canker sores products, at eliminating pain. Canker Cover is also made from natural ingredients including natural menthol, citrus oil and sea salt, which dissolves over time, using immediate pain relief upon application w

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